One of the first collections of papers on heritage language acquisition and education was , published in 1998 and edited by Stephen Krashen, Lucy Tse, and me. The book contains both original research and comprehensive reviews on several important issues related heritage languages and their continued maintenance.
The book is now available for free in PDF form for the first time since its publication – get it right now here:
Here’s the blurb with more information on what you’ll find inside:
Most people think that immigrants resist giving up their heritage or family language. Just the opposite is true: Heritage languages are lost rapidly, victims of language shift, a powerful process that favors the language of the new country over the language of the family. The papers in this volume argue that heritage language development, in addition to full development of the language of the country, is an excellent investment, both for the individual and for society. Heritage language development can lead to academic and economic benefits, can be an important part of identity formation, and enables the heritage language speaker to profit from deeper contact with family, community, and the country of origin. Other sections discuss parental support for heritage language development, and how heritage languages can be effectively (and easily) fostered.
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An here’s the table of contents to whet your appetite:
The Advantages of Heritage Language Development and the Consequences of Heritage Language Loss
1. Heritage Language Development: Some Practical Arguments by STEPHEN KRASHEN
2. Ethnic Identify Formation and its Implications for Heritage Language Development by LUCY TSE
3. The Negative Consequences of Heritage Language Loss and Why We Should Care by GRACE CHO and STEPHEN KRASHEN
4. Language Shyness and Heritage Language Development by STEPHEN KRASHEN
Developing Heritage Languages
5. Affecting Affect: The Impact of Heritage Language Programs on Student Attitudes by LUCY TSE
6. The Use of Self-Selected and Free Voluntary Reading in Heritage Language Programs: A review of research by JEFF MCQUILLAN
7. Do People Appreciate the Benefits of Advanced First Language Development? Attitudes towards Continuing First Language Development after “Transition.” by FAY SHIN and STEPHEN KRASHEN
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